Permanent Housing

We offer tenancy sustainment and support to all our tenants to ensure nobody returns to homelessness.

Permanent Housing

We offer tenancy sustainment and support to all our tenants to ensure nobody returns to homelessness.

Mid West Simon Community owns 84 properties in the Mid West Region, providing safe and secure housing to individuals and families. We have a range of options such as independent housing, a co-living model, and Housing First which addresses long-term homelessness.

Mid West Simon Community owns 78 properties in the Mid West Region, providing safe and secure housing to individuals and families. We have a range of options such as independent housing, a co-living model, and Housing First which addresses long-term homelessness.

Tenancy Sustainment and Support

When people live in our properties, we provide a range of wrap-around supports aimed at helping them to sustain their tenancy. Our team visits all our tenants, giving them practical support such as budgeting and household management. We also connect people with the right services in the community such as health and education.

We run a Household Budget Scheme through An Post, which ensures service users don’t fall into arrears by deducting income at source. This supports them to retain tenancies – preventing them from becoming trapped in the revolving door of homelessness.

We also run a Food Bank Service in the Mid West region, this supports people on low incomes who are struggling with food poverty.

Out of Hours – On Call: This crisis intervention service is available to all our tenants, where they can speak to a senior manager outside office hours for support and guidance.

Clann Nua

Clann Nua is a co-living housing model we developed in response to the shortage of single-unit property. It gives people experiencing long-term homelessness the opportunity to secure accommodation while offering companionship, support and security that minimises isolation and breaks the cycle of institutionalisation.

The project also addresses the issue of someone’s capacity to manage a home due to long-term complex lives. It includes wrap-around support services to help the individuals move on with their lives and reintegrate into their community, freed from the stigma of living in communal emergency accommodation or being considered ‘homeless’.

By providing accommodation this way, Clann Nua has successfully helped individuals experiencing long-term homelessness to take up employment opportunities and live independently. They benefit from the independence of being able to invite people into their home, be proud of their address and open a bank account (which lets them pay utility bills). We currently house 39 individuals in this service.

Housing First

Housing First is a client-centred model that focuses on ending homelessness for people who have been long-term homeless or who are particularly vulnerable. It focuses on providing clients with housing as well as intensive case management.

Our Housing First project has ended homelessness for many individuals and couples who had spent long periods on the streets and in shelters, and for those with the most complex support needs.

Shelter and a space to call home is key to the health of each and every one of us— particularly our clients who are experiencing long-term, chronic homelessness which affects their overall wellbeing.