We’re fully committed to providing the highest quality service possible to all stakeholders, especially those who access our services and our donors who support them.
We’re fully committed to providing the highest quality service possible to all stakeholders, especially those who access our services and our donors who support them.
We show this commitment by adhering to the highest standards of governance and quality.
We show this commitment by adhering to the highest standards of governance and quality.
We’re registered with the Charities Regulator, Ireland’s national statutory regulator for charitable organisations. Our Registered Charity Number is 20063450.
Our Interim CEO Eleshia Fahy reports directly to the Board of Directors. Our Senior Management Team works with the Interim CEO in running our day-to-day operation.
Our board is made up of unpaid volunteers who are elected from the community. The board has signed up to the Governance Code for Voluntary Organisations. This code ensures that community, voluntary and charitable organisations in Ireland operate in line with best practice and that every part of their operations meet all requirements under current legislation, charitable and company law, and health and safety standards.
Because we ask for donations from the public, we need to comply with the Charities Regulator’s ‘Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public’.
We pledge to treat all our donors with respect, and to be honest and transparent.
If you have a comment about any aspect of our work, you can contact us in writing, by phone or by email. Please give us as much information as possible and let us know how you would like us to respond, providing relevant contact details.
Mid West Simon Community,
Speakers Corner,
Lower Carey’s Road, Limerick.
Tel: +353 61 608980
Our office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

At Mid West Simon Community, we uphold the highest standards of financial security, transparency, and sustainability through our Triple Lock commitment. The Triple Lock Standard is a commitment by charities and non-profit organizations in Ireland to adhere to the highest levels of transparency, accountability, and governance.